What is Male Fern Root?
Male fern root, also known as Dryopteris filix-mas, Bear’s paw, Knotty Brake, and Sweet Brake, has been used for centuries as a defense against harmful organisms. Beyond that, the male fern root also offers other health benefits for humans such as digestive support and detoxification.
How Does Male Fern Root Work?
The male fern root is loaded with cleansing compounds known as filicin and filmarone. These essential oils are responsible for eradicating harmful organisms by creating a harsh intestinal environment that is toxic to harmful intestinal organisms.
Studies also show that male fern root’s oleo-resins cause harmful organisms in the intestines to become immobile, preventing them from attaching themselves to the interior lining of human intestinal walls. In both human and animal case studies, male fern root was shown to have a dramatic effect on eliminating harmful organisms both inside and outside of the GI tract.
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