Un-Healthy Foods Archives

One of the most striking studies on carbohydrates and brain health revealed that high-carb diets increase your risk of dementia by a whopping 89 percent, while high-fat diets lower it by 44 percent. According to the authors, “A dietary pattern with relatively high caloric intake from carbohydrates and low caloric intake from fat and proteins may increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment or dementia in elderly persons.”

Studies also strongly suggest Alzheimer’s disease is intricately connected to insulin resistance;8 even mild elevation of blood sugar is associated with an elevated risk for dementia.9 Diabetes and heart disease are also known to elevate your risk, and both are rooted in insulin resistance.

This connection between high-sugar diets and Alzheimer’s was again highlighted in a longitudinal study published in the journal Diabetologia in January 2018.11 Nearly 5,190 individuals were followed over a decade, and the results showed that the higher an individual’s blood sugar, the faster their rate of cognitive decline.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/high-carb-sugary-diet-significantly-raises-risk-of-alzheimers/


Here’s How to Break Your Sugar Addiction

Unchecked emotional eating can easily transition into food addiction. Not only is the emotional component driving the behavior, but comfort foods such as cookies and ice cream are also loaded with addictive substances — sugar being one of the main ones. But even in the absence of emotional eating, food addiction can be a problem.

EFT Practitioner of Dr. Mercola’s Center for Natural Health Julie Schiffman shares some information on how to fight cravings.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/heres-how-to-break-your-sugar-addiction/


All Oat Cereals Tested Positive for Glyphosate

In testing done by Friends of the Earth (FOE), 100 percent of oat cereal samples tested positive for residues of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide. While there are multiple reasons to reconsider the health value of oats, including their lectin content, the rampant use of glyphosate on this crop as a desiccant just prior to harvest, and their subsequent glyphosate contamination, is worthy of attention.

FOE, looking to uncover how many pesticides and herbicides residues are in commonly eaten foods, tested store-brand cereal, beans and produce from the top four food retailers in the U.S.: Walmart, Kroger, Costco and Albertsons/Safeway.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/all-oat-cereals-tested-positive-for-glyphosate/


According to a U.K. study, certain kinds of yogurt tend to be an “unrecognized” source of dietary sugar, especially for young children who consume a lot of this dairy product.

Earlier studies have confirmed that yogurt and other fermented dairy products are good for your digestion and overall well-being. Yogurt also contains “good” bacteria, and it is rich in calcium, iodine, protein, and vitamin B.

Both U.K. and U.S. dietary guidelines recommend low-fat and low-sugar dairy products. For the study, the authors set out to determine how far yogurt products, especially those that are marketed to children, meet these guidelines.

The researchers examined the nutrient content of at least 900 yogurts and yogurt products. The products were all sold at five major online supermarket chains from October to November 2016 in the U.K. Between them, the supermarket chains accounted for 75 percent of the market share.

rall well-being. Yogurt also contains “good” bacteria, and it is rich in calcium, […]

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/many-yogurt-products-sold-in-supermarkets-contain-dangerous-amounts-of-sugar-study/


Beware: Your Olive Oil Might Be Fake

A word of caution! Fake olive oil abounds, so it’s important to take the time to investigate your sources. Tests reveal anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of the olive oils sold in American grocery stores and restaurants are adulterated with cheap vegetable oils or nonhuman-grade olive oils, which are harmful to health in a number of ways.

This video will give you tips on how to assess the quality of your olive oil –  https://lowcarbmag.com/beware-your-olive-oil-might-be-fake/


Recent research into the health effects of artificial sweeteners deliver yet another blow to safety claims. The animal study, published in the journal Molecules, found all artificial sweeteners currently approved and deemed safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cause DNA damage in, and interfere with the normal and healthy activity of, gut bacteria.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/all-artificial-sweeteners-are-toxic-to-gut-bacteria-study/


New research from Cancer Council Victoria’s Cancer Epidemiology and Intelligence Division and University of Melbourne’s Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics concluded that the frequent and long-term consumption of these toxic beverages increases the risk of 11 obesity-related cancers (i.e., liver, aggressive prostate, ovary, gallbladder, kidney, colorectal, esophagus, postmenopausal breast, pancreas, endometrium, and gastric cardia), regardless of what you actually weigh. This implies that even if you are of a normal and otherwise healthy weight, you may still be at risk of cancer if you continue to drink sugary beverages. This conclusion likewise indicates that cancer manifestation is not entirely driven by obesity, but by its root — unhealthy food consumption.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/normal-weight-or-overweight-drinking-sugary-drinks-increases-cancer-risk/


There’s Danger in Eating Raw Fish

A 71-year old man in South Korea developed an infection after eating raw seafood, and resulting complications required an amputation of his forearm, according to a report published last month in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The man had a history of Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and he was undergoing dialysis for end-stage renal (kidney) disease. The illness developed within 12 hours of his meal and led to fever and excruciating pain in his left hand.

After two days of suffering, he visited the emergency room at Chonbuk National University Hospital in Jeonju, South Korea.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/theres-danger-in-eating-raw-fish/


Sugar Has Replaced Fat, Here’s How and Why

Thousands of studies spanning many decades show excess sugar damages your health, yet the sugar industry successfully buried the evidence and misdirected the public with manipulated science. According to the sugar industry, sugar is a harmless source of energy and may even be an important part of a healthy “balanced” diet.

Dr. Cristin Kearns, a dentist and fellow at the University of California, made headlines when she published a paper detailing the sugar industry’s historical influence on dietary recommendations. Evidence also shows how the sugar industry influenced the scientific agenda of the National Institute of Dental Research (now the National Institute of Dental and Cranial Research), which back in 1971 created a national caries program, downplaying any links between sugar consumption and dental caries.

The records unearthed by Kearns reveal that as far back as 1964 — a time when researchers had begun suspecting a relationship between high-sugar diets and heart disease — John Hickson, a sugar industry executive, introduced a plan for how to influence public opinion. Using the same tactics employed by the tobacco industry, Hickson’s plan was to counter adverse findings with industry-funded research, along with directed “information and legislative programs.” “Then we can publish the data and refute our detractors,” he wrote.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/sugar-has-replaced-fat-heres-how-and-why/


The ‘Natural Flavors’ Deception

As the Center for Public Integrity points out, industries can basically decide for themselves what is safe for you to eat. Of the 10,000 food additives on the market, 95 to 99 percent have never been tested for safety when consumed in isolation, let alone been tested for synergistic toxicity that can occur when you combine several of them together. People have gotten savvier about this in recent years, and many are now trying to avoid artificial flavors and colors. Yet the food industry is still tricking most of us.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/the-natural-flavors-deception/


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