GMOs in Your Food
In the U.S., three major commodity crops are raised predominantly from GMO seed: field corn (92%*), soybeans (94%*), and cotton (94%*). *percentages are based on U.S. acreage as of 2015 (USDA)
Almost 98% of Canadian grown Canola is genetically engineered for herbicide resistance. U.S. sugar beet production is estimated to be over 95% genetically modified for herbicide resistance. GMO sweet corn, papaya, zucchini, and yellow summer squash are also for sale in grocery stores, but in far lesser amounts. Genetically modified alfalfa is grown for use as hay and forage for animals.
‘White Russet’ brand potatoes, genetically modified to resist bruising were introduced to some grocery stores in 2015. Genetically engineered non-browning ‘Arctic’ apples have been deregulated by the USDA and have been on the market since 2016.
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