Here’s How Your Gut Bacteria Affects Your Blood Pressure
According to researchers from the U.K. and the U.S., a person’s gut bacteria is also a factor in the effectiveness of his dietary change.
For the study, a research team from Imperial College London and John Hopkins Universityin the U.S. collected at least 160 urine samples from participants with pre-hypertension and stage 1 hypertension at the beginning of the clinical trials.
They were then subjected to three so-called OmniHeart diets, which have similar nutrient compositions with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Plan, save from some variations in macronutrient composition. To note, the OmniCarb diet had a 58 percent kcal from carbohydrate, 15 percent from protein, and 27 percent from fat; the other two diets took 10 percent of calories from carbohydrate and added it either to proteins or monounsaturated fats. Individuals were randomly assigned to the diets and were advised to stick to their plans for six weeks. Samples were then collected after six weeks for analysis.
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