Wireless Technologies A Threat to Modern Health

130116-F-MZ229-001Is a world filled with Wi-Fi signals a more dangerous, less healthy world? Yes, it is, according to a number of top experts who have spoken recently about the issue.

In this video, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, one of the nation’s top “integrative” cardiologists, says that “wireless technologies” are “the greatest threat to health in this millennium.”

He goes on to say that, by wireless technologies, he means cell phones, microwave ovens, baby crib monitors and Bluetooth devices, among others. He also notes that the biggest danger being posed by the wireless technology is the near-constant damage done to cell membranes’ receptor sites, which help keep cells healthy and functioning.

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How to Reduce BPA and BPS Exposure

bottles-60479_640Bisphenol-A (BPA), is a chemical widely used in plastic bottles and cans. It is associated with cancer, infertility, and fetal development issues. Once it enters the body, BPA behaves like estrogen, a human hormone. It disturbs the normal operation of certain genes and is harmful even at very low doses, such as those found in plastic bottles and cans.

Here are some practical tips to reduce your family’s BPA and BPS exposure:

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Beat Chronic Stress With Diet

6273248505_c47f7c76d1_bChronic stress has become epidemic in our society, where faster seems better and we pack more obligations into our ever-expanding schedules.

Research has confirmed the havoc stress can wreak, with one meta-analysis involving 300 studies finding that chronic stress could damage immunity. Another study foundstressed-out women had significantly higher waist circumference compared to non-stressed women.

Experts have connected stress with blood sugar and belly fat. Chronic stress raises insulin, driving relentless metabolic dysfunction that becomes weight gain, insulin resistance and ultimately diabetes.

Insulin isn’t the only hormone that becomes out of balance with stress. Your adrenal glands release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that flood your system, raising your heart rate, increasing your blood pressure, making your blood more likely to clot, damaging your brain’s memory center, increasing belly fat storage, and generally doing damage to your body.

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3119711_3edee533The mystery behind skyrocketing rates of Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and other wheat-related illnesses may not have anything to do with wheat or even gluten, but rather the process by which conventional American wheat is grown and harvested.

Unbeknownst to most consumers is the fact that just before harvest, a vast majority of conventional wheat grown in the U.S. is doused in Roundup herbicide, which ends up poisoning your favorite breads, cereals, cakes, and pastries.

Many conventional wheat farmers in America, driven by greed and carelessness, flood their wheat crops with Roundup just before harvest in order to slightly boost yields and reduce harvest time. But the end result is Roundup being absorbed directly into the wheat kernels that end up processed on your dinner plate.

The Healthy Home Economist‘s Sarah Pope explains in a recent article how the pre-harvest application of Roundup is used to dry conventional wheat and make it easier to harvest. This process helps wheat crops release their seeds more quickly, resulting in moderately higher yields.

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