The Metabolism Myth
You eat less than your skinny friend but still put on weight – can that be true?
It is true that our metabolism – the rate at which we process the food we eat – varies from person to person.
What is not clear is why two people can appear to eat virtually the same amount of food, which causes one to be thin and the other to pile on the pounds.
We uncover some home truths…
Many of us have friends who seemingly can eat anything they want and never put on weight. Whereas there are some of us who can just look at a slice of cake and we can feel our waistline getting bigger by the second. Whilst metabolism may have some effect, the answer is not as simple as we may think.
In this test, two friends – Cindy and Michelle – were the volunteers. They both have very different shaped bodies. Cindy was very slim while Michelle was nearly 15kg over her desired weight.
They both thought that the amount that you ate was really down to your metabolic rate.
Over the course of ten days, both Cindy and Michelle were watched closely and also asked to record how much food they ate in their food diaries.
Tagged with: digestion
Filed under: Metabolism
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