Are you getting enough sleep?
Here are the warning signs that you are overdoing it and probably have been for some time.
No one can squeeze more hours into a day, but we certainty try. Unfortunately, too many of us extend the hours of our day by cutting back on sleep. Here are the warning signs that you are overdoing it and probably have been for some time.
You Need an Alarm Clock to Wake Up
If you can’t wake up on time without electronic help, this is a sign that you’re sleep deprived. If you’re jolted out of a deep sleep every workday or feel the need to repeatedly hit the snooze button, you’re not getting enough sleep.
Impaired Decision Making
Chronic sleep deprivation impairs our ability to make minor decisions. The decisions could be as inconsequential as where to sit in a movie theater, what movie to see, or whether to take a window or an aisle seat on a flight.
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