What’s the difference between “cage-free,” “free-range,” and “pasture-raised” eggs?

Whenever you buy eggs from the grocery store, you may have wondered why they have different labels, such as “cage-free,” “free-range,” and “pasture-raised.” You may have also noticed that they differ in price. Eggs vary in their nutrition profile as well. But one thing’s for sure – the more expensive the egg is, the healthier it is.

Out of the three, pasture-raised eggs are the best. Aside from raising your own chickens, buying eggs labeled as “pasture-raised” ensures that you are getting the healthiest eggs possible. Pasture-raised eggs contain twice the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, triple the amount of vitamin D, four times the amount of vitamin E, and seven times the amount of beta-carotene compared with conventionally raised eggs.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/cage-free-free-range-and-pasture-raised-eggs-whats-the-difference/


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