Vegetables Archives

Benefits of Dill Oil

Dill oil is known for its versatility; it has a number of properties ranging from antioxidant and antifungal to antibacterial. This essential oil is usually used for digestive support, specifically for indigestion or constipation.

Dill, the plant from which dill oil is obtained, has two variants: Anethum graveolens (European dill), which is cultivated in England, Germany, Romania, Turkey, USA, and Russia and Anethum Sowa (Indian dill), which is cultivated in many parts of India as a cold weather crop.

There are two types of dill oil: dill seed oil and dill weed oil. The former is obtained from the mature seeds through steam distillation, and the latter is obtained through steam distillation of fresh herbs.

There are several uses of dill oil, but it is popularly used in medicine, food, perfume and soap manufacturing because of its pleasant aroma. It’s known for its healing properties, such as: Read more here::


What is Male Fern Root?

Athyrium_filix-feminaMale fern root, also known as Dryopteris filix-mas, Bear’s paw, Knotty Brake, and Sweet Brake, has been used for centuries as a defense against harmful organisms. Beyond that, the male fern root also offers other health benefits for humans such as digestive support and detoxification.

How Does Male Fern Root Work?

The male fern root is loaded with cleansing compounds known as filicin and filmarone. These essential oils are responsible for eradicating harmful organisms by creating a harsh intestinal environment that is toxic to harmful intestinal organisms.

Studies also show that male fern root’s oleo-resins cause harmful organisms in the intestines to become immobile, preventing them from attaching themselves to the interior lining of human intestinal walls. In both human and animal case studies, male fern root was shown to have a dramatic effect on eliminating harmful organisms both inside and outside of the GI tract.

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The Cleansing Power Of Beets

4804101259_57ebcdf4f5_bThe liver is the vital organ that filters and detoxifies the blood that comes through the digestive track before it reaches the rest of the body. Basically, it figures out what is beneficial and what’s waste from all the stuff you consume. This is no small feat, which is why it’s nice to help the liver out from time to time with foods that aid its detoxifying powers. Enter the beet.

Beets are a high-antioxidant vegetable that contain a number of nutrients that have been shown to be cleansing and detoxifying. A few of these include betaine, which helps the liver cells eliminate toxins; pectin, a fiber which clears the toxins that have been removed from the liver so they don’t reincorporate back into the body; and betalains, pigments with high anti-inflammatory properties to encourage the detoxification process.

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Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

3915263597_4ffea1efe9_zAs things get ever crazier in the world, there are more reasons than ever to grow at least some of your own food. In fact, I say you’re crazy if youdon’t grow some food!

Here are five huge reasons why:

With food prices skyrocketing, you’ll save money by growing your own

Have you priced organic romaine lettuce recently? Or beautiful red peppers? With food prices continuing to skyrocket, the economics of growing your own food make more sense than ever before.

The end of cheap water is making food more scarce and difficult to produce

The end of cheap, easy water is upon us. Thanks to extreme weather events and runaway drought conditions in food-producing states like California, underground water aquifers are being rapidly pumped dry.

Home-grown food is far more nutritious and medicinal

Stated plainly, nearly all the food you buy at the grocery store is little more than a mere shadow of real food. Processed, packaged food provides empty calories and little else.

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Eating too Many Processed Foods?

Snack Box Diet Vegetables

Snack Box Diet Vegetables

Could it be that we really are eating too many processed foods?

I would say yes!

But what is the alternative?

Is getting back to nature one of them?

For a long time the question has been posed that staying along the lines of “Can eating like Neanderthal or an ape improve our health?”

When we see how many diseases there are apparently connected to high cholesterol and blood pressure –  we’re told that the numbers of these diseases are on the increase day by day. It does rather raise the issue about whether or not our current western diet is actually a major factor or cause, of these cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, stroke and diabetes.

Paying the Price

That of course leads us onto the second question: “Are we paying the price for eating all these processed foods?”

Dietician Lyn Garton was responsible for taking ten volunteers on a journey back to our culinary roots, where she took a leaf out of our ancestors’ cookbooks, just to see what impact a comparatively short few days of eating much healthier food would have on reducing the risk of fatal illnesses, as mentioned above.

At the end of the test, biological markers for cholesterol and hypertension were measured to see how successful this test was. After the twelve day test, the groups total cholesterol fell by over 23%, and there was a marked decrease in the amount of sodium levels. From all of this, we can conclude that simply by introducing changes into our diet, by moving away from processed foods towards more healthily organically based foods, our health can be dramatically improved.

All the volunteers used in this test were chosen because they had above-average levels of cholesterol, according to the doctors, ranging from between 5 and 6.8. Also the test group confessed that they were eating diets which had very few fruits and vegetables, and were probably very high in trans-fats and many of them were confessing a life of fast, processed food.

Now obviously, the dramatic results from this test were slightly skewed because the volunteers were following a diet that had 5kg of fruit and vegetables a day, which with a balanced controlled carbohydrate diet would prove unnecessary, and in fact the pressures of our modern lives would probably make this totally impractical.

The Value of Good Vegetables.

However, what it does show is that if you want to lower your triglycerides levels then cutting down on processed foods and re-introducing vegetables, nuts and certain fruits into your diet would make that possible.

Here is just a small sample:


  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cashews
  • Cauliflower
  • Cherries
  • Courgettes
  • Dates
  • Figs
  • Grapes
  • Hazelnuts
  • Honey
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Mange toutes
  • Mangoes
  • Melons
  • Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Paw-paws
  • Peaches
  • Peanuts
  • Pears
  • Peas
  • Peppers
  • Plums
  • Radishes
  • Raspberries
  • Satsumas
  • Spring Onions
  • Strawberries
  • Sugar-snap peas
  • Summer Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Walnuts
  • Watercress

To name but a few!

Many of these are allowed on The Snack Box Diet and would add a tasty addition to what you may be eating already.

As we’ve said before, variety is something to aim for in any diet – the more the merrier.