Keto Diet Helps Shield Mice With Flu Virus, Study
A study published n the journal Science Immunology, researchers reported that feeding mice a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet helped shield the critters against influenza infection.
The influenza A virus, commonly called the flu, is a viral infection that targets the respiratory system — the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. In the U.S., it causes more than 20,000 deaths and costs upwards of $87 billion each year.
The research team fed the mice a keto diet — 90 percent of calories from fat and less than 1 percent from carbohydrates — for seven days. Then, the mice were infected with the influenza A virus. Scientists found that these mice didn’t lose weight, but had lower levels of the virus in their lungs and had greater survival rates compared to mice on a more traditional “chow” diet, where the majority of calories came from carbs.
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