Aside from a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting — where you do not eat for 16 to 18 hours a day; 12 hours being the absolute minimum — is another effective way to regain your insulin sensitivity and control mTOR.

Basically, while you’re fasting, your insulin will dramatically drop, allowing your body to enter into autophagy and clean itself out. Then, when you refeed, your body deactivates autophagy and starts to rebuild itself.

Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist, recently published a case series paper4 on three diabetic patients — all of whom were on high doses of insulin — detailing how intermittent fasting can be used as a therapeutic alternative for Type 2 diabetes.

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The New York Times recently published a long, detailed article about the history of modern cancer research, including Warburg’s theories on cancer, which are now becoming more widely accepted.

Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize  Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells.

Warburg concluded that the prime cause of cancer was the reversion of energy production from aerobic energy generation to a more primitive form of energy production, anaerobic fermentation.

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Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, has made headlines because it’s the most used agricultural chemical in history and because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified it as a probable human carcinogen.

An obvious answer to concerns about glyphosate exposure via your diet is to switch to organic foods. A study22,23 published in the journal Environmental Research, February 12, 2019, again confirms you can significantly reduce your toxic pesticide load by going organic, and results can be rapid.

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In testing done by Friends of the Earth (FOE), 100 percent of oat cereal samples tested positive for residues of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide. While there are multiple reasons to reconsider the health value of oats, including their lectin content, the rampant use of glyphosate on this crop as a desiccant just prior to harvest, and their subsequent glyphosate contamination, is worthy of attention.

FOE, looking to uncover how many pesticides and herbicides residues are in commonly eaten foods, tested store-brand cereal, beans and produce from the top four food retailers in the U.S.: Walmart, Kroger, Costco and Albertsons/Safeway.

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According to a U.K. study, certain kinds of yogurt tend to be an “unrecognized” source of dietary sugar, especially for young children who consume a lot of this dairy product.

Earlier studies have confirmed that yogurt and other fermented dairy products are good for your digestion and overall well-being. Yogurt also contains “good” bacteria, and it is rich in calcium, iodine, protein, and vitamin B.

Both U.K. and U.S. dietary guidelines recommend low-fat and low-sugar dairy products. For the study, the authors set out to determine how far yogurt products, especially those that are marketed to children, meet these guidelines.

The researchers examined the nutrient content of at least 900 yogurts and yogurt products. The products were all sold at five major online supermarket chains from October to November 2016 in the U.K. Between them, the supermarket chains accounted for 75 percent of the market share.

rall well-being. Yogurt also contains “good” bacteria, and it is rich in calcium, […]

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GMOs are everywhere these days. The crops are the result of a genetic engineering lab process that sees non-plant genes, which are usually derived from viruses or bacteria, being artificially inserted into plant DNA to provide greater pest and herbicide resistance. Crops like corn, soy, cotton, sugar beets, canola and alfalfa are often GMO, and you can also be exposed by consuming milk, eggs, or meat that come from animals who ate GM feed.

In a peer-reviewed article that appeared in the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, a survey of several thousand people revealed what a big impact dramatically reducing or eliminating GMO food can have on health.

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With neurological diseases such as epilepsy, the the ketogenic diet has now become a popular diet among people who want to lose weight effectively. But did you know that this diet requires you to eat low-carb fruits?

Since the keto diet strictly monitors your carb intake, you can’t overeat certain kinds of produce, especially fruits and vegetables. Carbs from whole produce are better compared to refined and processed foods, such as grains and legumes. However, carbs from fruits and vegetables are still counted as carbs.

To ensure the success of a keto diet, you need to monitor your carb intake. Fruits are full of healthy antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, but they aren’t nutritionally equivalent to vegetables. Read more here::


Beware: Your Olive Oil Might Be Fake

A word of caution! Fake olive oil abounds, so it’s important to take the time to investigate your sources. Tests reveal anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of the olive oils sold in American grocery stores and restaurants are adulterated with cheap vegetable oils or nonhuman-grade olive oils, which are harmful to health in a number of ways.

This video will give you tips on how to assess the quality of your olive oil –


Recent research into the health effects of artificial sweeteners deliver yet another blow to safety claims. The animal study, published in the journal Molecules, found all artificial sweeteners currently approved and deemed safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cause DNA damage in, and interfere with the normal and healthy activity of, gut bacteria.

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While maintaining a healthy weight and taking other reasonable precautions to optimize health, including eating a nutrient-dense diet and getting regular exercise, are important ways to prevent this disease, a recent study found that chronic exposure to even very low doses of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide can also be linked to the development of NAFLD.

The study, conducted by a research team from King’s College London and published in the journal Scientific Reports, concluded:


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