Peanut Oil for Healthy Hair
Whenever I am making mayonnaise, I prefer to use peanut oil as that always gives the best taste. However, I recently came across another use for peanut oil, that being effective anti-dandruff treatment!!
A number of clinical tests have shown that traditional peanut oil mixed with lemon juice is a remedy far more effective dandruff treatment than any of the specially formulated shampoos.
How You Use It
Step 1: Rub a small quantity of the peanut oil into your scalp and then leave it resting for two minutes. (It can help if you warm the peanut oil slightly).
Step 2: Rub in the juice from a freshly squeezed lemon, and then wait again for about another five or six minutes.
Step 3: Shampoo your hair thoroughly with a natural shampoo.
You will need to repeat this treatment each week in order for it to have a lasting effect.
Source material: New York State University Dermatological Department.
Tagged with: Natural Beauty
Filed under: Genearal Health Care
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