Healthy Eating Archives

Healthiest Foods on The Planet

imagesEating healthy does NOT have to be boring.

There is a massive amount of foods out there that are both healthy and tasty.

Here are the 50 healthiest foods on earth. Most of them are surprisingly delicious.

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Superfoods Healthier Than Kale

5110164265_f6028d82c5_bIn the food world, the biggest celebrity of all might be kale — the Shakira of salads, the Lady Gaga of leafy greens. It’s universally recognized that kale anything–kale chips, kale pesto, kale face cream — instantly imparts a health halo. Even 7-Eleven is making over its image by offering kale cold-pressed juices. And yes, kale has plenty of benefits — including high levels of folate and more calcium, gram for gram, than a cup of milk.

Still, kale’s actually not the healthiest green on the block.

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The Best Herbs for Men’s Health

YoungCoupleEmbracing-20070508Every man needs to take an active approach to managing his own health for the better. Good habits, like regular exercise, are vital, and avoiding bad habits (or at least minimizing them) is also imperative. One of the most powerful influences on a man’s health is his diet, and as an extension of that, there are a number of herbs that can help support concerns specific to men, namely vitality, prostate health, and sex drive. Here are seven of those herbs and the positive results they can encourage.

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Coconut_Oil_(4404443713)Its unique combination of fatty acids boast profound positive effects on health, including fat loss, better brain function and many other remarkable benefits. Now Brazilian scientists say it could also be heart healthy.

In a study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolismthe scientists studied a strain of rat prone to hypertension. The team from the Biotechnology Center at the Federal University of Paraiba in Brazil found that both coconut oil and exercise training were able to reduce weight gain compared to animals that were given saline and were not exposed to the exercise training protocol along the 5 weeks of study.

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Steps to Detoxify Your Kitchen

food-320863_640Your body is not the only thing that needs a good detox once in a while.  When I mention detoxification, you probably think about something your body does to lose weight, support your liver, and generally feel and look better. Strange as it sounds, your kitchen could also use a good detox!

Most likely, the food industry holds your kitchen hostage. No doubt your cupboards and pantry are filled with ultra-processed fare. Detoxifying your kitchen allows you to escape these shackles and transform your kitchen to a place of wellness. A healthy kitchen provides the foundation for a healthy you.

If you make your kitchen a safe zone, with only foods that nourish rather than harm, then you will automatically make the right choices.  If you fill it with crap, you will eat crap, no matter how much willpower you have.

The first step to detoxify your kitchen, then, is not to load it with junk and clear out whatever junk currently is stocking your cupboards. If its not there you won’t eat it. It’s that simple. If you have to get in your car and drive five miles you probably will skip that donut, cookie or ice cream. You are removing ways that you will unconsciously sabotage yourself.

Here are four-step process to effectively detoxify your kitchen and restock it with healthy foods.

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Could a ‘Mediterranean’ Diet Extend Your Life?

garlic-270608_640Researchers found that the regimen — rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish and olive oil — appears to be associated with longer telomere length, which are indicators of slower aging.

Telomeres are located on the ends of chromosomes — much like the plastic tips on the end of shoelaces. According to geneticists, telomeres prevent chromosomes from fraying and scrambling the genetic codes they contain. These bits of genetic material naturally shorten with age, but they tend to shorten more slowly in healthy people.

Shorter telomeres have long been associated with a greater risk of age-related diseases and a shorter life span, experts say.

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fruits-320136_640There is a perception that healthy food is more expensive than the regular food. This is not entirely accurate. Healthy prepared food often costs more, but if you cook your own food, you do not need to pay an arm and a leg. Healthy eating requires more time and effort, which is something many people are not willing or able to invest.

This is where the food industry comes in. A study conducted by Nielsen and USA Today on food purchase habits, found that younger consumers are more interested in healthy food. Furthermore, they are willing to spend more to buy healthy food:

“The most health-centric are Generation Z — consumers under age 20 — with 41% saying they would willingly pay a premium for “healthier” products. That compares with 32% of Millennials (ages 21 to 34) and about 21% of Baby Boomers (about 50 to mid-60s).”

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Surprising Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea

Tea_in_different_grade_of_fermentationYou already know that tea can improve your skin and help keep you fit and trim, but did you know that it also does amazing things for your health?

Tea has been around for millenia. Through that time, the Chinese have drunk it for everything from hangover prevention to weight control and common cold reduction. Now, modern scientific research has given us a much better insight into how tea improves health and to what benefit.

True tea, or that from the Camellia sinensis plant, includes white, green, oolong, black and pu-erh. All of them contain antioxidants, catechins, and polyphenols, which positively impact our bodies.

Let’s dive into what the research shows.

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Most Powerful Foods on Earth

4432427938_484a4c28c4_zThese are the foods with the most history, anecdotal influence, and scientific research behind them. Incorporating a nice soup with these ingredients is an interesting way to use them to your advantage. Salads, wraps, smoothies, blends, supplements, etc. are other ways to get a bunch of these at once.

If your health / immunity has been less than great, consider ingesting the following as 75% of your diet for 2 months and see the differences possible for you.

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Food of the ancient kings

vegetable-basket-349667_640The following compilation describes a long list of the most valuable foods on the planet, which were sought by kings of ancient civilizations. Olive oil was used to anoint kings; chia seeds were used as an energy source by Aztec warriors, and only the emperors of ancient China’s Ming Dynasty were allowed to eat of the “forbidden rice” (black rice). The Romans fed their gladiators barley. And the “New World” discovery of America by Europeans was nothing more than an attempt to find a new path to the spices of India. Little did Columbus and his crews know that the Native Americans already figured out natural remedies long, long before that. These ancient cultures traded too.

Question: Do you really “eat healthy” or do you just think that you do? How much do you really know about what the ancient kings knew back then, that you could be making your very own staple diet?

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