Low Carb Archives

Slow, deep breathing has remarkable effects on both the mind and body. When done right, almost anyone can gain relief from stress and anxiety in as little as a few minutes.

It’s one of the simplest and most accessible forms of relaxation, yet little has been known about how the simple act of breathing induces such a relaxed state. Now, for the first time, scientists have been able to identify how slow breathing and calmness of mind are connected.

In a recent Stanford University study, scientists discovered a small cluster of neurons deep within the brainstem, which connect the breath to different mind states including relaxation, attention, excitement and anxiety. It was first discovered in mice back in 1991 and is referred to as the”respiratory pacemaker” — now known to exist in humans as well.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/scientists-just-discovered-how-slow-breathing-calms-the-mind-and-body/

It’s common knowledge that sugar is bad for your teeth, but it wasn’t always so. In fact, when the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle first observed that sweet foods like soft figs caused tooth decay, nobody believed him. But as science has progressed, one thing is certain — sugar causes tooth decay.

That said, sugar on its own is not the culprit. Rather, the chain of events that takes place afterward is to blame. This article takes a detailed look at how sugar affects your teeth and how you can prevent tooth decay.

Many different types of bacteria live in your mouth. Some are beneficial to your dental health, but others are harmful. For example, studies have shown that a select group of harmful bacteria produce acid in your mouth whenever they encounter and digest sugar. These acids remove minerals from the tooth enamel, which is the shiny, protective, outer layer of your tooth. This process is called demineralization.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/how-sugar-causes-cavities-and-destroys-your-teeth/

We all want our gut to feel good. No one wants a gut that is in constant turmoil possibly leading to serious conditions of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, obesity or rheumatoid arthritis. What our gut is trying to tell us when these diseases arise is that the gut’s microbiome, partly inherited from your mother at birth and partly determined by your lifestyle, have a great deal of influence on our health.

Our gut microbiome is made of up bacteria, all good, that live within our intestines helping us digest our food. Digestion is serious business as these microbes munch away making essential vitamins available to us, make molecules helping our brain to function and assists our immune system to work like a charm keeping us healthy. Diversity of bacteria is also desirable as this can sway what diseases we may or may not develop over our lifetime.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/get-good-gut-health-with-prebiotics-and-probiotics/

Are Phytoestrogens Harmful for Men?

Many plant foods contain phytoestrogens — compounds that are similar to the hormone estrogen. Some people believe that eating foods high in phytoestrogens may impair fertility in men, while others claim these compounds are healthy. This evidence-based review looks into the science. What Are Phytoestrogens? Phytoestrogens are a group of naturally occurring compounds found in […]

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/are-phytoestrogens-harmful-for-men/

Is Paleo Right for You?

There are many different types of diets out there that have helped people to lose weight or look a certain way, but few of them have been as rooted in our past and the evolution of human beings as the Paleo diet.

As one might expect, the diet revolves around providing food in the form that is closest to what our Paleolithic ancestors might have had. This is done in order to create an environment that is closer to what our bodies are able to handle. Nonetheless, it is important to see whether the Paleo diet is actually right for you.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/is-paleo-right-for-you/

Foods With Hidden Sweet Spots

When it comes to sugar, cupcakes and cookies are obvious diet derailers. The real saboteurs of healthy eating however are sneaky sources of the sweet stuff, which in a day of meals and snacks can add up to serious trouble — especially if you’re among the 25.8 million Americans who suffer from diabetes.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/foods-with-hidden-sweet-spots-2/

Have a berry to boost mood and improve memory

blueberries-summer-fruit-freshTwo new studies have shown that blueberries bring brain benefits for both young and old In the first researchers from the University of Reading, UK, looked at the effect of the daily consumption of a blueberry beverage (over a period of approximately one week) in 50 children and 21 young people. Results showed that the flavonoid-rich […]

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/have-a-berry-to-boost-mood-and-improve-memory/

Weight Loss Photo by Life Mental HealthThere are many meaningful reasons people go Primal: they want to improve their fitness, increase their longevity, feel younger, reverse lifestyle conditions, heal hormonal imbalances, enhance fertility, get off prescription medications, and lose fat. With regard to losing fat, some want to lose a good deal of it—to significantly alter their body composition. This goal, […]

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/how-to-accept-your-body-after-significant-weight-loss/

Why Shiitake Mushrooms Are Good For You

800px-Shiitake_mushroomShiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular mushrooms worldwide. They are prized for their rich, savory taste and diverse health benefits. Compounds in shiitakes may help fight cancer, boost immunity and support heart health. This article explains everything you need to know about shiitake mushrooms. What Are Shiitake Mushrooms? Shiitakes are edible mushrooms native […]

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/why-shiitake-mushrooms-are-good-for-you/

Flax seed Flaxseeds are the seed of the flax plant, which grows in cooler climates, such as in Canada and the northern United States. The seeds are a bit larger than sesame seeds and range from dark reddish brown to deep gold.

Read more here:: http://lowcarbmag.com/how-to-incorporate-flax-into-a-heart-healthy-diet/

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