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Products from grass fed animals tend to be leaner with less fat content. Nutritionists will be the first to tell you that not all fats are bad for you. There are some fats that the body needs and even craves. Fortunately, grass fed animals are more plentiful in many of the best fats for your body. These dairy and meat products also to be richer in omega-3 fats, beta-carotene, and CLA. Here’s what we mean by all that:
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Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/what-exactly-are-the-health-benefits-of-consuming-grass-fed-products/


Two studies that were conducted at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Bordeaux Population Health (Bordeaux University) show that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, especially if the person also doesn’t have a storage of “good fats” and antioxidant carotenoids.

The studies led by Inserm researchers Catherine Feart and Cecilia Samieri involved around 10,000 people aged 65 and above who were in good health or at least not suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/beat-alzheimers-with-good-fats-antioxidants-and-sunshine/


How Does Keto Diet Impact Blood Sugar?

To understand how the keto diet plays a role in blood sugar, it’s important to understand how your body uses carbohydrates. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into simple sugars that enter the blood stream, which causes blood sugar to rise. In someone who isn’t diabetic, the pancreas releases more insulin to help the glucose in your blood center cells where it’s then used for fuel.

People with type 2 diabetes, however, have impaired insulin release and a resistance to the insulin once it gets into the blood, Dr. Phinney explained, which can lead to higher blood sugar levels.

With the keto diet, which is marked by a high-fat, moderate-protein, and super low-carb diet, your body goes into a state of ketosis where it starts using fat for energy and releasing ketones. Dr. Phinney said the ketones in the blood will help reduce insulin resistance, which is beneficial for diabetics.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/how-does-keto-diet-impact-blood-sugar/


What Is Stevia and Why Use It?

Perhaps you have heard of stevia, but you are not exactly clear on what it is. You may also wonder why you would choose stevia over sugar, honey, or an artificial sweetener. If you are diabetic or you just want to decrease the amount of refined sugars in your diet, stevia is definitely worth considering. Perhaps you wish to reduce or eliminate your consumption of artificial sweeteners. Stevia is also an excellent choice in this circumstance.

So what is stevia exactly? Stevia comes from a plant that has extremely sweet-tasting leaves. In fact, the stevia plant is often referred to as sugar leaf or sweet leaf.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/what-is-stevia-and-why-use-it/


A case presented by researchers in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, stated that intermittent fasting (they called it SER, short for intermittent severe energy reduction) could be a useful way to reduce energy intake; thereby, controlling an individual’s body weight. The team came to this discovery after studying the effects of a 24-hour SER in a person’s appetite, metabolism, and energy intake.

The concept of SER – or intermittent fasting, for that matter – isn’t a new or novel idea: People have done it for health, spiritual, or even cosmetic reasons since the beginning of time, and historical figures from Hippocrates to Benjamin Franklin were proponents of it.

However, a lot has changed in modern times: For instance, how processed food, added sugars, and trans fats are now ubiquitous – leading to an uptick in obesity cases around the world.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/improve-your-energy-levels-with-intermittent-fasting/


Naturally fermented foods are getting a lot of attention from health experts these days because they may help strengthen your gut microbiome—the 100 trillion or so bacteria and microorganisms that live in your digestive tract. Researchers are beginning to link these tiny creatures to all sorts of health conditions from obesity to neurodegenerative diseases.

Fermented foods are preserved using an age-old process that not only boosts the food’s shelf life and nutritional value, but can give your body a dose of healthy probiotics, which are live microorganisms crucial to healthy digestion, says Dr. David S. Ludwig, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Continue reading:: https://lowcarbmag.com/add-more-fermented-foods-for-a-better-gut-health/


Keto Diet Can Help Boost Your Sex Drive

In addition to helping your libido naturally by boosting your energy and providing more mental clarity, reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars provides more hormonal stability, according to Molly Devine, RD, LDN, and advisor to Ketologic.

“Insulin has been shown to increase mood swings or irregular cycles in women,” Devine said. “It also has been shown to decrease testosterone production in men and women, which can then lead to increased belly fat in men, decreased muscle mass, and erectile dysfunction. So it does have this trickle-down effect onto your hormones.”

Continue reading here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/keto-diet-can-help-boost-your-sex-drive/


Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, an assistant professor at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology was investigating the reason why navy seals sometimes suddenly experience seizures underwater when using oxygen rebreathers. His exciting research uncovered much more than just the answer to that question, and offers real hope in the fight against cancer.

The object of his study was to find out what was causing navy seals to have seizures underwater, and how to prevent them. He found that neurons in the brain when subjected to high oxygen and high pressure are overstimulated, resulting in a decrease in brain energy metabolism, and causing the potential for a seizure.

These seizures are similar to those experienced by certain epilepsy patients who do not respond to medication but can successfully control their seizures using a special diet. This diet, known as the ketogenic diet, is very low in carbohydrates and high in fat. It has been used successfully at Johns Hopkins hospital to treat pediatric epilepsy and is also effective against several other neurological disorders.



Grass Fed Dairy is Much Better, Study

According to a recent study1 published in Food Science & Nutrition, cows fed a diet based on 100 percent organic grass and legumes produce milk with more omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, another extraordinarily heart-healthy fatty acid), which provides a substantially healthier balance of fatty acids. The improved fatty acid profile in grass fed organic milk and dairy products brings the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio to a near 1-to-1, compared to 5.7-to-1 in conventional whole milk.

Studies have previously determined that eating organic beef or dairy lowers omega-6 intakes and at the same time increases omega-3 intakes as well as CLA, another extraordinarily heart-healthy fatty acid.

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/grass-fed-dairy-is-much-better-study/


Most GMOs are herbicide tolerant and resistant to infestation and disease, David Friedman, ND says. That means farmers can more liberally use herbicides and pesticides, and those toxins end up in our food, and studies indicate serious health risks may be associated with GMO consumption, including infertility, accelerated aging, and liver dysfunction.

The question is, how can you tell when a food has been genetically modified?

Read more here:: https://lowcarbmag.com/can-you-tell-if-a-food-has-been-genetically-modified/


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